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Supporting the transition to parenthood and beyond.

The birch tree is a symbol of rebirth, new beginnings, and growth.
Haven is defined as a place of safety or refuge.

Feeling overwhelmed as you approach parenthood?

Maybe you have already become a parent through birth, adoption, or the foster care system, and are wondering what is happening to you, your life, and your relationships. You are not alone.  There is no way to be a perfect parent. It makes sense if you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing!

I am proud of you for reaching out and seeking support as you navigate the new world of parenthood.  It shows great strength to ask for help.  Admitting you are struggling can feel scary, awkward, and incredibly vulnerable especially when it seems that other parents have it all together!

All are welcome here.

I am non-judgmental in my relationships and recognize that safety is the first and perhaps the most important aspect in creating a space where you can be your true self when working with me. I strive to be LGBTQIA-affirming, antiracist, and sensitive to individual cultural factors that have impacted your unique experience in the world.

“We don’t have to do all of it alone.  

We were never meant to.” 

– Brené Brown

About Me

Carrie Young, LCSW, IMH-E®

Pronouns:  she, her, hers


I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LCSW (Wisconsin License #7790-123).  I hold Infant Mental Health Endorsement ® as an Infant Family Specialist (IMH-E®), an internationally recognized credential that supports and recognizes the development and proficiency of professionals who work with infants, toddlers, and their families.  I earned my bachelor’s degree in Social Work with a minor in Studio Art from Winona State University in 2005 and my master’s degree in Social Work with an emphasis on Mental Health from the University of Wisconsin Madison in 2008.  I am nationally rostered as a Trauma-Informed Child-Parent Psychotherapist (TI-CPP) and have worked extensively with children with histories of trauma as a treatment foster care social worker and as a mental health clinician.

I have provided mental health therapy to children and families for over 10 years in both in-home and outpatient settings and have worked for large hospital systems as well as local non-profit agencies.  I most recently completed a research project with the UW-Madison in the Parent-Infant Mental Health Programs in UW Department of Psychiatry where I assisted with the delivery of professional development series to support Home Visitors in the use of the Brief Parent-Child Early Relationship Assessment (B-ERA) and conducted assessments of maternal mood, parenting stress, and trauma history in the in-home setting in Milwaukee and Waukesha, WI.

In 2015, I completed a fellowship in infant, early childhood, and family mental health at the UW-Madison.  I am currently a faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry and serve as a mentor providing reflective consultation to fellows completing the Capstone Certificate Program.

I am a member of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and the Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health (WI-AIMH).  I currently provide reflective consultation to supervisors across the state of Wisconsin who are participating in the Reflective Supervision Learning Collaborative.

I am a mom to two young children, ages 7 and 9, who inspire and challenge me every day.


Services Provided

Specialized Training in Treating:

Pregnancy and Postpartum
Depression and Anxiety
Adjustment to Life Transitions
Parenting Concerns
Children who have experienced trauma

Now in-network with these providers:

Individual Counseling

We meet and discuss your personal hopes and wishes regarding what you would like to get out of therapy in a safe space where you are seen for exactly who you are. Using mindfulness and self-reflective questions, we look at your unique history of being parented and explore together what aspects of your history you hope to bring with you (or leave behind) as you bring your child into the world. Your baby is always welcome to join you in sessions after they arrive!

Dyadic Counseling

Supporting the parent-infant/child relationship can bring about profound shifts and help with issues related to child sleep challenges, emotional regulation, and behaviors that feel concerning, such as hitting or biting. Sessions always include the caregiver, as you are the one who knows your child best! Sometimes our children trigger big emotions in us, so we will examine what is coming up for you in those moments and explore ways to be compassionate with yourself.

Couples Counseling

The journey to becoming parents is one that cannot be fully prepared for! Even the best, most solid relationships will be tested and strained when a baby arrives. I have specialized training in exploring how each parent was parented, and often couples learn aspects of their partner and their experience of being parented that are new to them. Together we’ll work through this transition and explore the change that occurs when going from a duo to a trio.

Family Counseling

With specialized training in structural family therapy, I have worked with family systems for over 10 years. Each member of the family has a unique experience and will be supported to examine their patterns of communication and create space to be with one another and feel heard. I come from a large blended family (7 children alltogether) and am very comfortable with holding space for each person in your family, whoever you consider your family to be!

Reflective Consulting for Agencies

Professionals across all systems working with infants and very young children can benefit from practicing a way to examine their own perceptions and beliefs and how they may be impacting their relationships with the systems they work in and the families they work with. In the same way that I work with parents and caregivers to examine what may be coming up for them with their children and offer themselves compassion, I work with supervisors and providers to reflect on what feelings/thoughts/intentions are being evoked in them throughout their work. This type of supervision has been shown to contribute to reduction of burnout and an overall healthier, more supportive environment, which enables professionals to grow in their relationships while working with young children and their families.

Contact me for a free consultation.

1915 Winnebago St Suite 102
Madison, WI 53704

“Everyone needs help from everyone.”

– Bertolt Brecht

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